I am, the oldest of schools, and so far off the beaten path, quite beyond most people’s ken. I have very few real friends because of this. One gets here, from reading my grandfathers books. He was in military Intelligence before, during and after WW2. At the end, He was head of deprogramming. Working with General MacArthur to deprogram the Japanese public. My Irish grandmother, his wife, and he took on another goal, while there. To prevent as many people as possible from starving to death. In doing so, he made enemies. That was not the first time tho. A few months before the Pearl harbor incident, he was stabbed 6 times and thrown into pearl harbor. I saw the scars.
And i was gutted that someone he should have been able to trust, would betray him like that. Blow his cover. From his life, i learned, that many things are not at all what they seem, nor what you hope. From his books i learned how to deprogram, myself. To unlearn incorrect narratives. So, my path, is in very unfamiliar ground to most people. I have been extracting contradictions from my own mind for a loooong while now. I may never get them all, but I’m givin’ it a shot.
I think that steampunk is the echo, of a world that haunts us, because it was once real. A stolen possibility that longs to exist, humanity’s creative boldness writ large, and refined to its furthest potential. Somewhere in the collective consciousness, it lives, in a bright burst of joy. Artists like me, can visit any time.
Say, you put electrified mercury, in discs on the side of this airship. It would become much lighter. Say the battery was powered by salt water. Electrolytes, are all you really need, in a solution. Saltwater might do, lighter than air gasses also contribute to the lift. Maybe its a double hull (catamaran), for water landings. scoop up some more seawater, and fish a bit. save the lift for bad weather. Magnets, copper, mercury and salt water. How long have we had those really? Long enough, i think. To make something awesome.
The beauty of machinery started early for me. a truly efficient design, that was durable and effective, still inspires me. It may have started with this. My mother had such a device, and i sat on the pedal as she sewed. It probably still works, where ever it is. It is beautiful, and why shouldn’t machines be easy on the eye? This is completely human powered, as fast as you needed it to be. No electrical needed. Superb design.
Like the humble bicycle, it is a classic design, that stands the test of time. So electricity is not always needed, though in some cases it is indispensable. We have recently learned, electrical devices cannot be made to a larger scale and be mobile, very effectively. We are seeing this with e cars, nowadays. So a variety of options seems to be the way to go. Electrical things for small scale devices, Fuel for larger, mobile ones. Environmental energy harvesting as the landscape permits, for stationary needs. Water turbines, geothermal, some old school wind. Methods that stand the test of time and are not just a way of gaming the stock market, or harvesting tax dollars.
Life would suck without power of some sort. Without it Humanity would possibly resort to slavery again. So, being hyper efficient seems like a good idea. Sadly, it is not good for business, that way business is now structured. For example the medical industry only gets paid when you are ILL. The financial incentive is in the non life affirming place. They should get paid as long as you feel fabulous. Mutual Aid societies were once dominant in the USA. Like local Teachers, a Doctor would be hired by the community. Make house calls. Make friends. Within reason, of course. Let us apply this to other arenas. Would'’t it be great for light bulbs to last a hundred years? Some, are, Still burning. Sure, maybe higher priced, but, you’d only need a few. Ever. So, let there be light!
Magnets also can be harnessed for energy.
And other forms of power? There are many examples of ancient batteries. Some 5,000 years old, This one, is only 2,000 years old. IT ran, partly on grape juice, as an electrolyte solution.http://www.unmuseum.org/bbattery.htm
And here is a demonstration of just one of its ancient uses. With one of the most excellent rebel historians on the planet. Praveen Mohan.
It was used to heal people of pain like we do today. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) What it is: TENS uses sticky electrode patches attached to a small, battery-operated device. It sends an electric current to your nerves to override pain signals. Another way TENS may relieve pain is by triggering the release of natural painkillers made by your own body. It is not just “faith” healing. I like it when a religion delivers the good.
But this power source, is cumbersome for travel, and i love my car…
Here is something that worked on any burnable fuel, and had very few moving parts. It ran on everything from peanut out to alcohol. Click on the image to see a short video.
Have you ever heard of vimyanas? maybe mercury is not what you think, and it can be more useful than we have been lead to believe.
There are as many ways to power civilization as there are environments. There windmills have been working since ancient times. They work now to grind grain. One size can never fit all. Building such structures seem intimidating, but ancient people, found a way, that did not involve much labor…
Healthy ways to keep people healthy do exist. They are not profit drive tho. In fact some are thousands, of years old. They help us stay healthy in a gentle way. This sauna is in a salt cave. Add maybe an essential oil massage after that (because your skin will get dry) you might feel happier about your life. This kind of deep relaxation can re-set the vagus nerve so your body can really begin to heal from what ails it. It is a good time to meditate or just listen to music.
Afterwards, You might even want to dance. Reconnect with people. Sing. I know people talk about gratitude. How about sheer joy? That is dance. The joy and appreciation of having your body. Of socializing with your friends. Of just being human. They will never tell you to do that tho. But you should. It’s like hugging to the grove.
Staying connected to you community is essential for well being.
Alternative healing. Very hard to patent. There are 172 substances from the nature world that are altered and made into drugs, used today. Patent Medicine is a scourge of healthcare. Stevia, for example, was a very effective birth control. Every time they altered it to make it patent-able, it lost potency. They did not mind that is damaged the hormonal balance terribly. (I do not recommend using stevia for any reason, myself) Eventually they decided Not to patent it and to sell it as a sweetener. Cannabis is one thing most people understand about. There are many others….
The purple picture plant. Laurie Lacey's Wild World of Plants
"The Micmac (Mi'kmaq) [of Nova Scotia] called this plant Indian Cup Roo. During the early part of this century they used the plant's root to treat tuberculosis. This part of the plant is also believed effective in treating kidney problems, or to relieve indigestion.
To prepare the medicine, a small piece of the root is steeped to a cup of water (for at least ten minutes) and taken in small doses." it stops Small pox in its tracks, instantly. This sort of leaves me to believe poxes are some kind of deficiency disease, in actuality. remedy.https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/rediscovered-native-american-remedy-kills-poxvirus/3003420.article
Even though, not everyone needs extra iron, this helped a lot of women, because it is super easy to get mineral deficient when you are young and female. A well fortified female is way less emotionally unstable. Now a days, for a young woman, i’d review her diet, and maybe i might recommend Vitex (chaste tree berry) and ashwaganda. just temporarily. Back in the day, you worked with what was there.
Here is another alternative, do we really need so much metal? Maybe ceramics will do in some cases? Being practical and efficent with our resources is one of our best survival traits. We have let modern manipulations de rail this quality for too long. https://www.budk.com/Ceramic-Blade-Pocket-Knife-Ceramic-Blade-TPU-Handl-50767
But what is The Foundation of everything Real? Our ability to think, and reason well, to test reality with our understanding of it and find harmony. Some form of Education. If there is a war on anything, there is a war on Truth, and Imagination of the Individual. The Trivium and Quadrivium. To draw and Dance and defend out loved ones, or anyone who needs it. Opensource education, it’s already there.
The above is James Corbetts Open source education. I cannot tell you how grateful I am, for his uncovering of the lies.
And this John Taylor Gatto, who will tell the real, true history of how school was designed to keep you mentally limited, and emotionally handicapped. The elite get an entirely different education, and yes it makes a huge difference. There is some truth, that, is vital, for everyone to know. Humanity has been robbed of so very much of what is rightfully OURS. Our birthright has been stolen.
You know there were steam engines in the ancient world? Those have also been around for a long time, like sailboats. Telling time they often used water clocks. Time is of the essence, besides water clocks there is this! Or your basic Grandfather clock. There is no one way that needs to be for everyone.
And time is the most precious thing we have to offer. There is no getting it back once gone. It can and has been used as an alternative currency. The best part is, that it creates a stronger community spirit, over time. You meet new people, and new friends. The real true currency of this world is love anyway. This just puts the accent in the right place. It’s life affirming.
That is all i have for now! If you have any alternative ideas that stand the test of time, that i may have missed (like sailboats), let me know! Lets make the list awesome! Thanks for reading, please donate if you can!
This is SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, Artemis Fairy!
Are you a maker of Things Arcane that actually power stuff? :)